Web Host Account Manager v1.1 ( www.whamcp.com ) INSTALLATION GUIDE 1. REQUIREMENTS 2. HOW TO INSTALL 3. DATABASE 4. CONFIGURE WHAM! 5. CRON 6. WHAT NEXT 1. REQUIREMENTS a) Linux OS b) Web Server (Apache preferred) c) PHP v5.3.x c, a) ioncube loader c, b) support for mysql database c, c) curl with ssl support c, d) json support c, e) libxml support d) MySQL v5.1 or above e) Disk Space: 10MB 2. HOW TO INSTALL NOTE: This guide assume that you are trying to set up WHAM on http://www.mydomain.com/wham/ with www.mydomain.com hosted from path /home/mydomain/public_html/ * Unzip the archive # unzip wham-v1.1.zip # cd wham-v1.1/ * Copy files to install directory and fix permissions # cp -r wham/ /home/mydomain/public_html/ # chown -R mydomain:mydomain /home/mydomain/public_html/wham/ 3. DATABASE Create a database on the server using PHPMyAdmin, assign a mysql user to it with ALL PRIVILEGES Export the database schema ( db_dump/wham.sql ) into newly created MySQL database From ssh (as root), the commands would be like: # mysqladmin create whamdb # mysql mysql > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON whamdb.* TO whamadmin@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'mystrongpassword'; # mysql whamdb < db_dump/wham.sql 4. CONFIGURE WHAM! Mention the database, host, username and password in the config file application/config/database.php: $db['default']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; $db['default']['username'] = ''; $db['default']['password'] = ''; $db['default']['database'] = ''; IMPORTANT: DO NOT MODIFY ANY OTHER LINES Mention the url on which you wish to run WHAM! in file application/config/config.php: $config['base_url'] = 'http://www.mydomain.com/wham/'; NOTE: Trailing slash '/' is necessary at the end of the url. IMPORTANT: DO NOT MODIFY ANY OTHER LINES ** MODIFYING ANY OTHER LINES / FILES WILL BREAK YOUR WHAM! INSTALL AND IT WOULD NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR ANY TECHNICAL SUPPORT ** 5. CRON WHAM! has a cron script that syncs account details from all servers that you add, into its database. This script can only be executed from command-line. It is recommended to run this every hour. 0 * * * * php /home/mydomain/public_html/wham/index.php cron sync > /dev/null 2>&1 6. WHAT NEXT The installation steps have been completed. You can access WHAM! at the following URL: http://www.mydomain.com/wham/ username: admin password: admin123 You should change your password as soon as possible via WHAM! -> Settings -> Reset Password Once that is done, update your license key at WHAM! -> Settings -> License Information -> Update License For your FREE test license key, visit http://www.whamcp.com/universal-license-key If all goes well and your license is accepted, you can go ahead and start adding Data center, and then your servers into it and manage them. ENJOY WHAM! - END -